
About MySkopelos

(MySkopelos.EU is best viewed in laptop/ desktop mode)


About the MySkopelos Project

Mission Statement

MySkopelos.EU was created in 2019 with a simple objective in mind. Our small team of volunteers had noticed that other online resources regarding Skopelos Island had become jumbled, difficult to navigate and too concerned with advertising individual businesses rather than promoting the island as a whole. We decided to invest what time and resources we could in creating a new and more user oriented online presence for our beautiful green and blue island.

Our Project Goals

Promote Skopelos Island and Showcase it's History & Culture

We believe Skopelos Island deserves to be presented in a clear and concise manner in order to promote it's history, culture and natural beauty to the widest possible demographic. We aim to curate the most accurate and useful information about the island in one easy to use online resource. In this way with hope to help promote Skopelos Island and raise it's profile to the high level we believe it deserves.

Generate New and Exciting Digital Media Content

Our team includes experts in digital media production technology and online marketing. We hope to use our knowledge and resources to produce high quality digital media products promoting Skopelos Island. Some of our long term goals include:
  • Funding and producing a full length documentary about the history and culture of Skopelos Island;
  • Creating short promotional films about each of Skopelos' population centres & it's people;
  • Maintaining a comprehensive social media network sharing content generated by our team, visitors to the island and our residents alike.

Present Local Information Based on First Hand Experience

In an effort to produce the most reliable and unbiased content possible, our team will remain as self-funded as possible. Where reviews and commentary appear on the site, it will be based on our own personal experiences without financial influence. Our team is not connected to any of the businesses on the island through family or financial obligation. We operate independently and aim to generate funds for the site through donations, our own resources and possibly a small amount of affiliate marketing (i.e redirecting site traffic to other travel sites). We will always be open and clear when content appearing on the site takes the form of an advertisement or affiliate link.

How to Help

You can show your support for the Skopelos Project on a number of ways.
1) By joining our social media network and tagging us in your posts:
Like/ Add/ Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest and be sure to tag us in posts about Skopelos and use the #MySkopelos hashtag on all your photos and videos during your visits to Skopelos island
2) By sending us your thoughts, comments and suggestions:
Head over to the contact us section of this website and email us your suggestions for our project. What else would you like to see on the site? Can we change anything to make it easier to use? Is there something you would like us to edit or remove? We look forward to receiving your feedback!
3) Donate whatever you can towards the hosting, domain registration and maintenance of the site:
We would be eternally grateful for a donation (no matter how small) from you to help us continue our work on the MySkopelos Project. The money you provide will go towards paying for the site, its maintenance and the development of new content. Hopefully we will raise enough funds to give back to our community through charitable donations and community projects in the future. Scroll down to our donate section or click here to contribute whatever you can afford. Thank you!
Please Help Us!

MySkopelos.EU is maintained by a small team of self-funded volunteers. If you would like to help us continue our work on the site, please donate whatever you can afford by clicking DONATE Button.

You can also help us by buying some of our merchandise via our store.

Thank You for your support!!

(10% of all donations will go to local charitable organisations)

Local News & Weather

(MySkopelos.EU is best viewed in laptop/ desktop mode)

Local News

Check below for our regularly updated local news feed from around Skopelos Island
Presented in English (EN) and Greek (GR)
MySkopelos (EN/GR)
SkopelosNews (EN)
Efimerida Sporades (GR)
Dromena Tou Topoumas (GR)

Live Local Weather

7 Day Forecast


Photography & Video Galleries



Please enjoy this selection of photographs taken around Skopelos Island and donated to us by the local media production group S.M.P
Chukar Partridge - Helicodromio Area, SkopelosSpilia Beach, SkopelosHummingbird Hawk Moth, SkopelosCairns, Hovolo Beach, SkopelosGoat, Helicodromio Area, SkopelosVelanio Beach, SkopelosWild Flowers, Sendoukia, SkopelosWater Lilies, Moutero Area, SkopelosMilia Beach, SkopelosCalf, SkopelosFishing from Hovolo Beach, SkopelosSpider web & Oranges, SkopelosAgios Ioannis Beach, SkopelosNeo Klima Church, SkopelosAgios Ioannis Chapel, SkopelosFaros Lighthouse, Skopelos
Please Help Us!

MySkopelos.EU is maintained by a small team of self-funded volunteers.

If you would like to help us continue our work on the site, please donate whatever you can afford by clicking DONATE Button. You can also help us by buying some of our merchandise via our store.

Thank You for your support!!

(10% of all donations will go to local charitable organisations)

Video Gallery

Please enjoy the following videos produced by Skopelos Media (S.M.P)
MySkopelos Short Promo
Agios Ioannis: A Brief Guide
Beaches of Skopelos pt 1
Beaches of Skopelos pt 2
Sendoukia: A Brief Guide
Welcome to Neo Klima (Gr)
Stafylofest 2017
Dolphins of Neo Klima

Local Reviews & Recommendations


This Area is Under Construction

Check back regularly for updates.
In the near future we hope to provide our users with a regularly updated reviews and recommendations area.
Based on our own experience of local restaurants, cafes, bars and other businesses, we will showcase the best Skopelos has to offer!
If you would like to help us by submitting a review or recommendation regarding a business or location on Skopelos Island, please do so via our Contact page!!
Until then, click here to view our list of Local Hotspots